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Behind The Scenes: Time Beeno

The Theme:

We were given a simple theme of Time! We had to create a game environment that incorporates time as a game mechanic or trait of some sort, whilst many participants decided to go overboard and create platformer type games with various elements, I knew I had to think different and rather go the more simpler yet rewarding route and took the theme of time more literally and therefore able to focus my mind on the aesthetics of the game design itself.

The Challenges I Faced During Development:

Like any other developer, Time itself was a challenge! With a deadline of 7 days to submit a well playable game, I simply wasn't able to make use of the full 7 days since I entered with about 3 days left of the Game Jam, however I made sure I utilized the amount of hours I had available each day, to complete small parts of the Game art, Programming and Music and with my skill set I did pretty well for an individual.

The Lessons Learned:

During this particular challenge, the most valuable lesson I learned through the development of 'Time-Beeno', was Time-Management! Yes Time! and time being the theme of the challenge, it did play a huge role in the completion of the game and the time spent on different aspects of the development phase, therefore I learned to manage my time correctly and set up completion deadlines for certain features implemented in the game.

The End Product:

So with only roughly around 9 to 12 hours split between three days, I managed to get a prototype across and was able to submit the game in time for the competition. Satisfied with my progress I was happy enough to let my game get Live Streamed on Twitch for people across the world to see including myself of course! and watching them play the game I found myself laughing because I noticed a bug in the game I completely forgot about and once players found this bug!! the game was an easy ride to victory!! everyone could beat the game.. how wonderful!

The Future:

Well as I continue my journey into Game Development, I am indeed going to be featured in many other challenges online. 2018 packs a great load of new doors for me to bust open as I venture on my journey of skill discovery and improvement.

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